CLS Proverb
God set the standard for living and it's not negotiable. We’re to strive to live His way, and it’s not easy. In fact, it's impossible. You’d have to live without sin - never doing anything wrong! So, not only is there a consequence for falling short, but it's also a myth to think living right, “doing good,” can earn your way into Heaven. We have choices in how we live. The most critical, concerns eternity. We all live forever, the question is... where? The Bible maps ONE WAY in to Heaven, which is also the one way out of Hell.
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Verse 23 of Chapter 6 in the Book of Romans
Let's begin with understanding this verse:
"SIN" is attitude more than action, from actively fighting against God, to simply excluding Him from your life. (denying, rebelling, selfishness, autonomy) It's being contrary to God's ways, if only in thought.
"DEATH" refers to separation. Physical death is separation from the body. Spiritual death is separation from God. Death is the bad news. "BUT" there's also the good news!
"WAGE" is what's earned. The wage for sin is spiritual death.
"GIFT" is a thing willingly given without cost to the receiver. The provider bears the cost. God's gift is free for all accepting it, yet the price paid was great. The cost was Jesus dying a brutal death on a cross to pay for our sin.
"ETERNAL LIFE" is the opposite of spiritual death, which is separation from God. Eternal Life is joining God. It’s Life, forever in Heaven, with Him! God offers everyone a gift of eternal life. To receive it... accept it! No one can do it for you. It’s your choice.
"Accepting" begins with believing in God and His Son Jesus Christ: born miraculously; living a perfect, sinless life; receiving on the cross what you and I deserve; dying, He came to live again - resurrection! From your heart, believe He is who He says He is and His Word is Truth! You must also confess, admit to God that YOU are responsible for falling short. Whatever it is - own it! Ask for forgiveness, surrender to Jesus and receive the gift! Talk to God (pray) and share your heart. Ask to be forgiven and Trust in the Gift.
God's desire is that no one go to Hell and be separated from Him. He waits in anguish waiting for us to call on Him for help. It's your choice. You can't "do" anything to obtain a home in Heaven. God simply requires you to believe and accept Jesus as your Saviour. To die, before accepting His gift, is to miss the opportunity. If you're lost, trying to fill a hole that just won't fill - trust Jesus. He will fill you, and save you. There's nothing you've done that can surprise God or that He hasn't forgiven before.’s your choice.
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